Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hey all!! I am still alive, contrary to some belief. LOL!! I have been so busy with kids, school, cleaning, etc. I love school. It is so nice to use my mind for other things then just tending kids. I have decided to go for a nursing degree instead of psychology. The main reason is because with a bachelors in psychology there is not much I can do unless I get a masters. There is no masters programs for that here, so I am going to do nursing. Going to WSU I will not only be an RN, but I will have a bachelors in nursing as well. Almost 1 semester down, 6 or so to go!

The kids all have been doing great. Anthony is established in the Kindergarten routine and loves it. I had his parent/teacher conference yesterday and he is exceeding or meeting requirements in all areas. His teacher loves him and she said that he cracks her up all the time. Lynndi is doing great! She loves her time home while Anthony is at school. Mainly because she gets to watch Dora and have Mom all to herself. Miranda is crawling and going like crazy. She is such a happy baby. As long as you smile or talk to her she is all smiles! She still doesn't sleep through the night, gets up 2 to 3 times a night. Makes for a very sleepy mom. :)

So, the Martinez household is alive and bustling. Looking forward to the upcoming holiday season (and tax return!) Hope all is well with all of you and Happy Holidays!

Monday, September 1, 2008

My crazy life

So, just wanted to give a quick update on what has been going on for us. Most of you know, but for those who don't, I have gone back to school!!! I think I was a little too ambitious taking on a full load, but I'm doing pretty good. I am going through WSU and am taking 4 online classes. I have a American History, Human Development, Philosophy, and Mico-Biology. So far, so good. I really enjoy doing school again, well with the exception of Biology. :) I am getting a Bachelors in Psychology, and a minor in Human Development. Ultimately I want to work for a non-profit, or any agency, really helping people. Jr has been so supportive of this. He has really encouraged me to do this and he is the reason that I finally took that step. He has been helping allot at home since I now have school work. The kids have been great to. They don't interrupt me too much when I am getting things done. So here's to going to school again!! Hopefully all goes well.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Joys of Motherhood

Just wanted to share some special moments all the kids have had in the last few days. This is such a good pay off for some of the things us mothers have to deal with on a day to day basis. First off is Anthony. He is getting so big and I can't believe he is starting kindergardon in a few weeks. He has been trying so hard at riding a two wheeler and all his work finally has paid off! With a few scrapes and bruises, he has now gotten the hang of it. He is so proud of himself and we are so proud of him. His favirote thing to do is brake really fast so the back wheel skids and leaves a black mark. I have to remind him how he begged and pleaded to have Jr put his training wheels back on when he was having a hard time with just two wheels. Now you can't stop him!

Now, Lynndi is such a girly girl and loves to wear dresses and have her nails and hair done. Recently while de-junking I found a little purse that came with lipgloss. I thought that would be a cute little something special for her so I gave it to her. She went crazy! She wanted to try every color (there were 4) and didn't let her purse go out of sight. She doesn't quite no that you are just supposed to put it on your lips, put she sure doesn't mind practicing!

Sweet little Miranda is growing up so fast. She is such a daddy's girl and there are no complaints about that from dad! She had her first experience with baby food the other day, and suprisingly hated it! Although it made for great pictures, she spitted every single little bite I gave her out. All she wanted to do is chew on the spoon. She even started litteraly spitting anytime I put some in her mouth, getting it all over! We'll have to try again and get her liking food. She did however love saltine crackers I gave to her at my mom's, so maybe there is hope.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Remodel, Remodel, Remodel

Hey all! So I finally have started a family blog! I hope all you enjoy the updates of our crazy life. So, for the past 3 months all we have been doing is our kitchen remodel. Fun huh? We gutted our kitchen so for months we have been living on barbebue and microwaved food. We have done all of it ourselves, ( with the help of our dear mentor Dave!) so the process has been somewhat slow. But now that it is done I LOVE IT!!!! What a change it has made! I have been so impressed at how much Jr knows from plumbing to tiling, to everything in between. I do have a handy man that is for sure! I have included some before and after shots so you can see how far we've come.